Where we are? Anthropocene?
Humans changed the face of the Earth in many ways so we introduce a new epoch named Anthropocene.
we came from a long distances. we were like other creatures at first. By three revolutions we turned to what we are now. First, Humans start to think. The cognitive revolution gives us the power of making communication. so we start to live in empires. It empower us to think, make and build necessary tools. With that tools we bear the cold weather of north and sail through seas to fallow our sense of discovery in America and Australia. The first extinction happened by Humans.
Then, the second revolution happened. Agricultural revolution. Humans fed themselves by gathering plants and hunting animals for 2.5 million years. Agricultural revolution altered life-style of our ancestors about 10000 years ago. Humans began to devote almost all their time and effort to domesticate some wild animals and plants. This was were we start to grow and also to destroy. Agriculture is the main reason of facing with environmental catastrophes like climate change and so on.
The last revolution that changed human life-style and the Earth called scientific revolution. It starts from Europe with a basic statement that make all investigation and discoveries. Europeans start with "I don't know". The discovery of nature started with a scientific way By being in the state of ignorance. Science let the humans to cultivate in a modern manner so agriculture accelerate.
As a result of producing more food for more humans greenhouse gases the main reason of global warming emitted. Global warming caused climate change.
The earth climate changed many times by the time. It was hot once and then it turned to ice age. So why should we by worry about the climate change today? The difference between this climate change and others is that the other climate changes happened as a result of changing in nature itself, but this time humans accelerate the order of nature. We impose this situation. It is human induced climate change or Anthropogenic climate change.
for last 11/700 years we were in the epoch of Holocene. This epoch characterized by stability of nature powers so flora and fauna flourished and humans civilized. In 2000 Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene to describe a proposed new era when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth. He said we changed the Earth face.
In this era the most character of natural powers is to change. So there is no stability and one of the most important basis of civilization destroyed. In a destabilized Earth we will lose all of our knowledge about living. Hopefully we have time. we are the first generation that understand the danger of climate change and we are the last generation that can make a change and reform.
we can stop the cycle of destroying Earth and make a better world for next generation by learning the term minimal lifestyle. It would help us to consume less.
this is the first time i am writing in English. Help me with your comments :) .
we came from a long distances. we were like other creatures at first. By three revolutions we turned to what we are now. First, Humans start to think. The cognitive revolution gives us the power of making communication. so we start to live in empires. It empower us to think, make and build necessary tools. With that tools we bear the cold weather of north and sail through seas to fallow our sense of discovery in America and Australia. The first extinction happened by Humans.
Then, the second revolution happened. Agricultural revolution. Humans fed themselves by gathering plants and hunting animals for 2.5 million years. Agricultural revolution altered life-style of our ancestors about 10000 years ago. Humans began to devote almost all their time and effort to domesticate some wild animals and plants. This was were we start to grow and also to destroy. Agriculture is the main reason of facing with environmental catastrophes like climate change and so on.
The last revolution that changed human life-style and the Earth called scientific revolution. It starts from Europe with a basic statement that make all investigation and discoveries. Europeans start with "I don't know". The discovery of nature started with a scientific way By being in the state of ignorance. Science let the humans to cultivate in a modern manner so agriculture accelerate.
As a result of producing more food for more humans greenhouse gases the main reason of global warming emitted. Global warming caused climate change.
The earth climate changed many times by the time. It was hot once and then it turned to ice age. So why should we by worry about the climate change today? The difference between this climate change and others is that the other climate changes happened as a result of changing in nature itself, but this time humans accelerate the order of nature. We impose this situation. It is human induced climate change or Anthropogenic climate change.
for last 11/700 years we were in the epoch of Holocene. This epoch characterized by stability of nature powers so flora and fauna flourished and humans civilized. In 2000 Paul Crutzen popularized the term Anthropocene to describe a proposed new era when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth. He said we changed the Earth face.
In this era the most character of natural powers is to change. So there is no stability and one of the most important basis of civilization destroyed. In a destabilized Earth we will lose all of our knowledge about living. Hopefully we have time. we are the first generation that understand the danger of climate change and we are the last generation that can make a change and reform.
we can stop the cycle of destroying Earth and make a better world for next generation by learning the term minimal lifestyle. It would help us to consume less.
this is the first time i am writing in English. Help me with your comments :) .
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